Black Friday Sales 2014 Kodak i2400 Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical Instantly
Kodak i2400 Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical is totally good for what it definitely does. Keep you time and money through actually buy at reliable sites online. Hot Deal Kodak i2400 Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical
Price : $646.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Eastman Kodak Company
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Product ID : 509c62249f8900a08e91365c53294b86
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Kodak i2400 Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical Description
The KODAK i2400 Scanner with built-in Smart Touch functionality lets you capture, manage, process, and deliver PDFs and other file formats automating processes that previously were time-consuming. Manufacturer: Eastman Kodak Company Manufacturer Part Number: 8835183 Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Kodak Product Model: i2400 Product Name: i2400 Sheetfed Scanner Product Type: Sheetfed Scanner Technical Information: Large Format: No Technical Information: Image Sensor: CCD Technical Information: Scan Color: Color Technical Information: Media Type: ID Card Interfaces/Ports: USB: Yes Physical Characteristics: Form Factor: Desktop Package Contents: i2400 Sheetfed ScannerUSB CableSoftware CD Platform Supported: PC Green Compliant: Yes Green Compliance Certificate/Authority: ENERGY STAR
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