Black Friday 2014 Deals Konus Konuspot 80 Spotting Scope 20-60X80 with Tripod 7120 Right Now
Konus Konuspot 80 Spotting Scope 20-60X80 with Tripod 7120 is definitely an excellent devices for a good price, worth the cost. Truly joyful.
Price : $274.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Konus
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Product ID : 294a6c8a8af4ce9a6d8fcf133b443ce4
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If you are certainly looking to purchasing item with an extremely good quality along with a reasonable spending plan. We extremely advised Konus Konuspot 80 Spotting Scope 20-60X80 with Tripod 7120 is among top-notch and even more preferred product product that you are seeking. Also if you study it carefully concerning product information, attributes and practical customer comments, certainly you need to certainly not refuse to buy it one. You could check the current price through the hyperlink below.
![Konus Konuspot 80 Spotting Scope 20-60X80 with Tripod 7120](
Konus Konuspot 80 Spotting Scope 20-60X80 with Tripod 7120 Description
This Konus Konuspot 20-60x80mm Spotting Scope delivers brings extendable sunshade, lockable collar and 45-angle eyepiece to help see from long distances. This scope is also able to adapt to a camera as well. Brand: KonusModel: Konuspot 80 Spotting Scope 20-60X80 W/Tripod 7120Color: Black/GreenMagnification: 20-60xObjective diameter: 80mmField of view: 157 ft at 20xClose focusing distance: N/AExit pupil: 2.9mmEye relief: 18mm at 20x, 12mm at 60xLens coating: Multi-coatedPrism coating: Multi-coatedBody material: AluminumWeight: 6.6 poundsDimensions: 18.4 inches x 7 inches x 4.7 inchesWarranty: 1 Year
If you are unsure on whether to buy Konus Konuspot 80 Spotting Scope 20-60X80 with Tripod 7120 or not, the way to help you determine this difficulty is to look over multiple customer reviews of this item. Read multiple evaluations to discover whether it is an item that satisfies your exact requirements or what this product can provide you some really beneficial or are you can ignored some downsides of it. So all of that provide you get a purchase for a great factor and worth the money you pay.
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Konus Konuspot 80 Spotting Scope 20-60X80 with Tripod 7120
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$274.99 | ![]() |