Black Friday 2014 Ads New Balance 'Minimus Hi-Rez' Running Shoe (Men) Orange Flash 10.5 D Right Now
New Balance 'Minimus Hi-Rez' Running Shoe (Men) Orange Flash 10.5 D is extremely nice for exactly what it really does. Protect you time and money with decide to buy at trusted stores online.
Price : $119.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : New Balance
Merchant : Nordstrom
Product ID : 0c82306c2863bf68f157ab6be9df2222
Rating :
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![New Balance 'Minimus Hi-Rez' Running Shoe (Men) Orange Flash 10.5 D](
New Balance 'Minimus Hi-Rez' Running Shoe (Men) Orange Flash 10.5 D Description
Designed to the exacting specifications of barefoot runners to provide exceptionally responsive underfoot sensation, a featherweight running shoe features individual sole pods that connect your foot with the terrain, allowing natural motion and lightning-quick feedback, allowing your stride to adapt to the conditions. Color (s) : black/ silver, orange flash. Brand: New Balance. Style Name: New Balance 'Minimus Hi-Rez' Running Shoe (Men) . Style Number: 634171.
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