Black Friday Deals Nike 'Air Zoom Pegasus 31 Flash' Running Shoe (Women) Black/ Silver 11.5 M Don't Miss
Nike 'Air Zoom Pegasus 31 Flash' Running Shoe (Women) Black/ Silver 11.5 M that you can buy right now, just find most current selling prices comparison and shipping available for assist you in getting the best selection. Hot Deal Nike 'Air Zoom Pegasus 31 Flash' Running Shoe (Women) Black/ Silver 11.5 M
Price : $115.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nike
Merchant : Nordstrom
Product ID : 4177ffa05ab09cad437c21c4522b264e
Rating :
In the event that you are really considering to acquiring product at an exceptional high quality as well as a sensible price. We very recommended this Nike 'Air Zoom Pegasus 31 Flash' Running Shoe (Women) Black/ Silver 11.5 M is among top-notch and additional preferred item product that you are searching for. Even if you study it very carefully regarding product detail, attributes and handy customer comments, obviously you need to not decline to buy it one. You could take a look at the up-to-date price through the hyperlink below.
Nike 'Air Zoom Pegasus 31 Flash' Running Shoe (Women) Black/ Silver 11.5 M Description
A breathable mesh upper and bonded thin skin overlay provide comfort in a responsive running shoe designed with Cushlon foam in the midsole and Nike Zoom technology in the heel for optimum support. Deep flex grooves at the sole and a new contoured forefoot ensure smooth movement and durable traction for your high-energy workout. Born from a distribution partnership between a track-and-field coach and a middle-distance runner, Nike grew from a small-scale (but visionary) startup into a pioneering shoe manufacturer whose innovative designs-always lighter, stronger and better than their predecessors-would revolutionize the athletic footwear industry. Named for the Greek goddess of victory and instantly recognizable for its iconic Swoosh logo, the brand remains committed to bringing inspiration and innovation to athletes all over the world. Color (s) : black/ silver, grape/ silver, grey/ punch. Brand: Nike. Style Name: Nike 'Air Zoom Pegasus 31 Flash' Running Shoe (Women) . Style Number: 859272.
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Image | Item | Price | |
Nike 'Air Zoom Pegasus 31 Flash' Running Shoe (Women) Black/ Silver 11.5 M
Merchant : Nordstrom |
$115.00 |