Black Friday 2014 Nikon Coolpix S6500 Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Red) - Factory Refurbished includes Full 1 Year Warranty Instantly
Nikon Coolpix S6500 Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Red) - Factory Refurbished includes Full 1 Year Warranty on the market today, just have a look at most current selling prices comparison plus shipping and delivery accessible to assist you in getting the best bargain.
Price : $72.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : NIKON
Merchant : Cameta Camera
Product ID : 7248debc5d634b4d67a7ffb4a4892400
Rating :

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Nikon Coolpix S6500 Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Red) - Factory Refurbished includes Full 1 Year Warranty Description
Expect plenty of likes on the photos and videos you share with the Nikon Coolpix S6500 Digital Camera. Packed inside its ultra-slim stylish design is a powerful 12x Zoom-NIKKOR glass lens thats great for everything from wide-angle landscapes to telephoto close-ups; and a 16-megapixel CMOS image sensor for maximum photo and video quality in just about any light. When youre ready to share your creations built-in Wi-Fi helps you get them online faster and easier than ever.
Before you buy Nikon Coolpix S6500 Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Red) - Factory Refurbished includes Full 1 Year Warranty, you should take a look at the features of the item, material efficiency, pros and cons of the item so efficiently. By looking at customer reviews of this item, you should examine numerous customer reviews. The genuine users encounter of these products are going to help you choose correctly, rationally without acquiring error and really worth for the value.