Black Friday Deals Vivitar Vivicam T027 VT027-RED Red 12 MP Digital Camera Instantly
Completely this Vivitar Vivicam T027 VT027-RED Red 12 MP Digital Camera is perfectly manufactured, works wonderfully, I definitely notice the purchase will be worth any extra budget. Hot Deal Vivitar Vivicam T027 VT027-RED Red 12 MP Digital Camera
Price : $66.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Vivitar
Merchant :
Product ID : 9700e42c9bec65dfa31f410e5de5ce54
Rating :
In the case that you are looking to purchasing product with a beneficial quality including a sensible budget plan. We very recommended this Vivitar Vivicam T027 VT027-RED Red 12 MP Digital Camera is just one of top-notch and more preferred product product that you are looking for. Also if you research it carefully regarding item information, attributes and practical customer testimonials, certainly you need to not reject to purchase it one. You can check out the up-to-date price via the hyperlink under here.
Vivitar Vivicam T027 VT027-RED Red 12 MP Digital Camera Description
Vivitar Vivicam T027 VT027-RED Red 12 MP 4X Optical Zoom Digital Camera Image Sensor: CMOS Aperture: F3.0 LCD: 2.7" Max. Recording Resolution: 640 x 480 Series: ViviCam Type: Compact Resolution: 4000x3000 (12M) 3264x2448 (8M) 2592x1944 (5M) 2048x1536 (3M) 640x480 (VGA) Focal Length: f=7.45mm
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