Deals Black Friday On Nikon Df Digital SLR Camera Body (Black) with 28-300mm VR Lens + 64GB Card + Case + Flash + Battery & Charger + Filters Kit Right Now
Nikon Df Digital SLR Camera Body (Black) with 28-300mm VR Lens + 64GB Card + Case + Flash + Battery & Charger + Filters Kit is really a really good items for a really good offer, worth every penny. Completely joyful.
Price : $3799.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : NIKON
Merchant : Cameta Camera
Product ID : f2fa2716bb26336a577de7a4adeb89da
Rating :

The product attributes are excellent and filled with high quality of Nikon Df Digital SLR Camera Body (Black) with 28-300mm VR Lens + 64GB Card + Case + Flash + Battery & Charger + Filters Kit is the key reason that takes it one of the item you will certainly really get bought. Along with, it is also friendly budget to your wallets as well. You can check the complete item summary and look at exclusive promotions that have actually been upgraded from the store via click the link here. You could select the very cool deal and you can not deny it, wish you have the excellent offer.

Nikon Df Digital SLR Camera Body (Black) with 28-300mm VR Lens + 64GB Card + Case + Flash + Battery & Charger + Filters Kit Description
The Nikon Df is a thrilling FX-format DSLR with a unique mechanical operation system and classic styling along with Nikons flagship digital camera technology. Designed exclusively for taking still photos the Df enables high reliability advanced functions and elegant camera control in Nikons thinnest lightest FX-format DSLR. Features include: dedicated mechanical dials; 16.2MP FX-format image sensor; EXPEED 3 image processing; wide ISO range (100-12 800 expandable down to 50 and up to 204 800) ; 39-point autofocus system; 5.5 FPS shooting; Spot White Balance; built-in HDR; Active D-Lighting; magnesium alloy body; 3.2-inch 921K-dot LCD; plus more! The Nikon Df works with all current AF-S AF-D and AF NIKKOR lenses and wireless transfer is easy with the optional WU-1a Wireless Mobile Adapter.
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Nikon Df Digital SLR Camera Body (Black) with 28-300mm VR Lens + 64GB Card + Case + Flash + Battery & Charger + Filters Kit
Merchant : Cameta Camera |
$3799.95 | ![]() |