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Olympus Has Fallen (2 Disc) (ultraviolet Digital Copy) (blu-ray Disc) is seriously a beneficial stuff for a awesome deal, worth every cent. Actually satisfied. Hot Deal Olympus Has Fallen (2 Disc) (ultraviolet Digital Copy) (blu-ray Disc)
Price : $14.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Merchant : Best Buy
Product ID : 0e7334588913dca301866c8e819a2b8c
Rating :
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Olympus Has Fallen (2 Disc) (ultraviolet Digital Copy) (blu-ray Disc) Description
An ex-Special Forces operative and former presidential bodyguard must fight to take back the White House from terrorists who have kidnapped the Commander in Chief in this high-stakes action thriller directed by Antoine Fuqua (Training Day, Shooter) and starring Gerard Butler. In the aftermath of a tragic accident involving the president (Aaron Eckhart) and the first lady (Ashley Judd) , Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Butler) is handed his walking papers. When a powerful terrorist group seizes command of the White House and takes the president hostage, the entire nation watches as the Speaker of the House (Morgan Freeman) becomes the acting president, and plans his response. Meanwhile, Banning finds himself trapped in the White House as it comes under siege from all sides. With no choice but to fight back against the heavily-armed invaders, Banning must rely on his extensive knowledge of the building to rescue the president, and prevent the situation from spiraling into all-out war. Melissa Leo, Angela Bassett, Robert Forster, and Radha Mitchell co-star. Jason Buchanan, Rovi
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