Black Friday Sales 2014 Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 45 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro Right Now
Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 45 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro for sale recently, just look at present prices comparison and delivery accessible for get you the great offer.
Price : $349.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Olympus Corporation
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Product ID : 165065cb0f39a9343c93614063d14709
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![Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 45 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro](
Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 45 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro Description
Beautifully designed and affordably priced, this lens makes a sensational addition to any enthusiasts camera kit. Thanks to its fast aperture, the high-power prime lens is absolutely ideal for capturing people in portraits shot that really stand out, with beautiful background blur and vivid contrasts. It is also compatible for movie-making as well, allowing users to shoot top-quality films with extremely fast focusing. On top of all this, it looks good too - packaged in a compact body with a subtle metal-like exterior and complete with interchangeable decoration rings to perfectly match the colour of different PEN cameras. Manufacturer: Olympus Corporation Manufacturer Part Number: V311030BU000 Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Olympus Product Line: M.ZUIKO DIGITAL Product Name: M.Zuiko Digital 45mm 1:1.8 Product Type: Lens Technical Information: Lens Type: Fixed Focal Length Technical Information: Image Stabilization: No Technical Information: Lens Mount Type: Micro Four Thirds Physical Characteristics: Color: Black Application/Usage: Camera Compatibility: Olympus Mirrorless Cameras E-M5 E-P3 E-P5 E-PL3
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