Black Friday Ads 2014 Panasonic H-FS45150S (4 Pack) 45-150mm Lens Right Now
Panasonic H-FS45150S (4 Pack) 45-150mm Lens is truly good quality at the things it totally does. Protect you time and money through actually buy at responsible online stores. Hot Deal Panasonic H-FS45150S (4 Pack) 45-150mm Lens
Price : $952.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : fd6515827dc4040ad549e952789694fa
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In the case that you are certainly thinking about to buying item with a good high quality as well as an acceptable budget plan. We very advised Panasonic H-FS45150S (4 Pack) 45-150mm Lens is one of top-notch and even more well-liked product product that you are searching for. Even if you learn it meticulously concerning item information, attributes and practical customer reviews, certainly you need to certainly not reject to buy it one. You can inspect the up to date price through the link here.
Panasonic H-FS45150S (4 Pack) 45-150mm Lens Description
"Panasonic H-FS45150S (4 Pack) Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic H-FS45150S LUMIX G VARIO offers a versatile zoom range of 45-150 mm providing a versatile medium zoom range for daily situations. The H-FS45150S features MEGA O.I.S giving you advanced hand-shake correction. The lens is comprised of 12 optical elements in 9 groups with one UHR (Ultra High Refractive Index) lens and two aspherical lenses to minimize distortion and heighten sharpness. The lens seven aperture blades produce an attractive smoothness in out-of-focus areas, even when shooting at large aperture. H-FS45150S Features: LUMIX G VARIO 45-150mm Lens, Micro Four Thirds Mount, 45 - 150mm Focal Length, 2 Aspherical Lenses & 1 UHR Lens, MEGA Optical Image Stabilization, 7 Diaphragm Blades & Circular Aperture Diaphragm, 3.0' Minimum Focus Distance, Multiple Lens Coatings - Minimize Ghosts & Flare, Near Silent Inner Focus System, Seven Aperture Blade Construction, Highly Compact & Lightweight, Additional Features: Lens Construction: 12 Elements in 9 Groups (2 Aspherical Lenses, 1 UHR Lens) , Focal Length: f=45-150mm (35mm Camera Equivalent 90-300mm) , Aperture Type: 7 Diaphragm Blades / Circular Aperture Diaphragm, Maximum Aperture: F4.0 (Wide) - F5.6 (TELE) , Minimum Aperture: F22, Closest Focusing Distance: 0.9m / 3.0ft, Maximum magnification: Approx. 0.17x / 0.35x (35mm Camera Equivalent) , General Features: Diagonal Angle of View: 27 (Wide) to 8.2 (TELE) , Filter Size: 52mm / 2.05in, Max. Diameter: 62mm / 2.44in, Overall Length: Approx. 73mm / 2.9in (From the Tip of the Lens to the Base Side of the Lens mount) , Weight g : Approx. 200g (Excluding Lens Cap and Lens Rear Cap) , Weight oz : Approx. 7.1oz (Excluding Lens Cap and Lens Rear Cap) , Further Specifications: Standard Accessori"
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Panasonic H-FS45150S (4 Pack) 45-150mm Lens
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$952.95 |