Black Friday 2014 Deals Panasonic KX-NCP500 KX-NCP500 Control Unit
Panasonic KX-NCP500 KX-NCP500 Control Unit readily available for sale right now, just recently discover the latest prices comparison as well as shipping available for assist you in getting the great offer.
Price : $1344.23 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant :
Product ID : 964b8ddb5d8cebe602e73c2ed4436b4e
Rating :

Along with amazing product is include Panasonic KX-NCP500 KX-NCP500 Control Unit authorized from a great deal of comments through realistic customers confirmed that Panasonic KX-NCP500 KX-NCP500 Control Unit is excellent and useful item and be good for the money that they paid for. If you have any sort of problems about the attributes of the product or wish to check the recent price of this product. Exactly select the link here, you will locate a really good deals that indisputable.

Panasonic KX-NCP500 KX-NCP500 Control Unit Description
"Panasonic KX-NCP500 Brand New Includes Two Year Warranty, The Panasonic KX-NCP500 network communication platform (NCP) provides cost effective unified communications solutions for small to medium businesses. The NCP platforms combine advanced digital and IP telephony together with integral user productivity applications, providing extensive business communications functionality. It features upto 68 extensions and 60 CO lines . KX-NCP500 Features: Network Communication Platform, IP Phones for Local & Remote Workers, Desktop & Network Business Application Integration, Business Productivity w/ Wireless Mobility Solution, Built-in Application Server to Provide Desktop Solutions, Choice of IP, Digital, Analogue or Wireless DECT Terminals, Built-in Messaging Solutions, Enhance Remote User Productivity - Network via Cost Effective SIP Solutions - Connect Remote Users to Common Business Applications, Technical Specifications: EXTENSIONS, System Total: 68, IP Proprietary Telephones (IP-PT) : 40, SIP Extensions: 32, Single Line (a/b) Telephones (SLT) : 20, Digital Proprietary Telephones (DPT) - DXDP: 24, Analog Proprietary Telephones (APT) : 4, Direct Station Select (DSS) Consoles: 8, Voice Processing Systems (VPS) : 2, CO LINES, Analog COs: 12, ISDN Trunk - PRI: 46, SIP Trunks: 8, Key Term Definitions Cabinet : The main box where all the internal / external routing and configurations take place within a telephone system. The cabinet can be referred to as Central Office, Central Unit and or Base. CTI (computer telephony integration) : This is an optional set of applications that will allow you to integrate your telephone system with your computer. These applications include one-click dialing, video conferencing, incoming call routing and more. Extensions: With extensions an office can run several devices, such as fax machines and modems, off just one dedicated phone line. Hybrid: A phone that is hybrid is a mix between key systems and PBX systems. Over the years the differences between these 2 types have dwindled and so the benefits of both have been combined the term"
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