Black Friday Ads 2014 Panasonic - Lumix G5 16.1-megapixel Digital Compact System Camera (body Only) Instantly
Panasonic - Lumix G5 16.1-megapixel Digital Compact System Camera (body Only) available to buy now, absolutely look at latest prices comparison plus delivery suitable for help you to get the great offer. Hot Offer Panasonic - Lumix G5 16.1-megapixel Digital Compact System Camera (body Only)
Price : $1299.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : Best Buy
Product ID : b088acf5681ae9a46ea2e6044328912e
Rating :
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Panasonic - Lumix G5 16.1-megapixel Digital Compact System Camera (body Only) Description
With 23 easy-setup scene guides and a 16.1-megapixel Live MOS sensor, this Panasonic LUMIX G5 digital compact system camera makes it easy to capture crystal-clear shots in a wide variety of environments.
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Panasonic - Lumix G5 16.1-megapixel Digital Compact System Camera (body Only)
Merchant : Best Buy |
$1299.99 |