Black Friday Online Deals Panasonic PT-DZ680US DLP Projector - 1080p - HDTV - 16:10
Panasonic PT-DZ680US DLP Projector - 1080p - HDTV - 16:10 is certainly a really good items for a amazing offer, worth the cost. Completely pleased.
Price : $8262.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant :
Product ID : 12f196c5a1dea25501832e64d3de34d9
Rating :
One of very good item is offer Panasonic PT-DZ680US DLP Projector - 1080p - HDTV - 16:10 approved by a lot of comments through realistic consumers verified that Panasonic PT-DZ680US DLP Projector - 1080p - HDTV - 16:10 is excellent and usable item and really worth the money that they paid for. If you have any concerns about the functions of the item or want to examine the present price of the product. Recently click the link below, you will certainly find a nice prices that obvious.
![Panasonic PT-DZ680US DLP Projector - 1080p - HDTV - 16:10](
Panasonic PT-DZ680US DLP Projector - 1080p - HDTV - 16:10 Description
Bright, versatile operation in a compact projector. The RGB Booster ensures vivid, colorful images, and the original Eco Filter eliminates the need for filter replacement for up to 12,000 hours. Manufacturer: Panasonic Manufacturer Part Number: PTDZ680US Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Panasonic Product Model: PT-DZ680US Product Name: PT-DZ680US DLP Projector Product Type: DLP Projector Technical Information: Projection Method: Front Lamp: Lamp Type: UHM Image: Graphic Mode: WUXGA Image: Native Aspect Ratio: 16:10 Image: Contrast Ratio: 2,000:1 Video: Video Signal Format: NTSC Video: Video Signal Standard: HDTV Video: Input Scan Format: 1080p Video: Output Scan Format: 1080p Network & Communication: Ethernet Technology: Fast Ethernet Interfaces/Ports: HDMI: Yes Interfaces/Ports: VGA In: Yes Interfaces/Ports: Composite Video: Yes Interfaces/Ports: Component Video: Yes Interfaces/Ports: Network (RJ-45) : Yes Physical Characteristics: Color: Silver Package Contents: PT-DZ680US DLP ProjectorWireless/Wired Remote Control UnitPower CordProjection Lens CoverLens CoverCD-ROMPower Cord Secure Lock2 x AA/R6 Battery
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