Black Friday Ads 2014 Panasonic Toughbook 53 CF-53SALZYLM 14" LED (CircuLumin) Notebook - I
Panasonic Toughbook 53 CF-53SALZYLM 14" LED (CircuLumin) Notebook - I available for purchase today, just see present selling prices comparison coupled with shipping readily available for aid you in getting the best offer. Hot Offer Panasonic Toughbook 53 CF-53SALZYLM 14" LED (CircuLumin) Notebook - I
Price : $1818.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 7371626105d7c709055b477885564c89
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In case you are actually taking into consideration to shopping for item with an exceptional quality along with a reasonable budget. We strongly suggested Panasonic Toughbook 53 CF-53SALZYLM 14" LED (CircuLumin) Notebook - I is among premium and more popular product item that you are looking for. Also if you learn it very carefully regarding item description, features and valuable consumer testimonials, certainly you should certainly not decline to purchase it one. You could examine the recent price from the web link under here.
Panasonic Toughbook 53 CF-53SALZYLM 14" LED (CircuLumin) Notebook - I Description
Panasonic Toughbook mobile computers are engineered to withstand drops, spills, dust and grime, and to perform in the harshest environments. Rugged reliability, low cost of ownership and accolades from reviewers are just a few of the reasons why Toughbook computers keep winning over the worlds toughest users. Manufacturer: Panasonic Manufacturer Part Number: CF-53SALZYLM Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Panasonic Product Line: Toughbook Product Series: 53 Product Model: CF-53SALZYLM Product Name: Toughbook CF-53SALZYLM Notebook Product Type: Notebook Processor & Chipset: Processor Manufacturer: Intel Processor & Chipset: Processor Type: Core i5 Processor & Chipset: Processor Model: i5-3340M Processor & Chipset: Processor Core: Dual-core (2 Core) Processor & Chipset: 64-bit Processing: Yes Processor & Chipset: vPro Technology: Yes Processor & Chipset: Chipset Manufacturer: Intel Processor & Chipset: Chipset Model: QM77 Express Memory: Memory Technology: DDR3 SDRAM Memory: Memory Standard: DDR3-1333/PC3-10600 Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: Active Matrix TFT Color LCD Display & Graphics: Display Screen Technology: CircuLumin Display & Graphics: Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Display & Graphics: Screen Mode: HD Display & Graphics: Backlight Technology: LED
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