Black Friday 2014 Ads Panasonic WJ-ND300A-4000T Network Video Recorders Instantly
With Panasonic WJ-ND300A-4000T Network Video Recorders you primarily look into the positive effects which will deal with you requirement, is recommended it's a good product for value. Hot Offer Panasonic WJ-ND300A-4000T Network Video Recorders
Price : $6399.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 2532904fdeaea9bf562c21f5700a8ff6
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Among outstanding product is offer Panasonic WJ-ND300A-4000T Network Video Recorders assured by a bunch of reviews through real users verified that Panasonic WJ-ND300A-4000T Network Video Recorders is extremely good and useful item and actually worth the money that they paid for. If you have any kind of concerns concerning the attributes of the item or desire to examine the current price of this item. Right now select the link below, you shall discover a great prices that irrefutable.
Panasonic WJ-ND300A-4000T Network Video Recorders Description
"Panasonic WJ-ND300A (4 TB) Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic WJ-ND300A is a Network Disk Recorder with expandable capacity for digital image data. It supports up to 32 Ethernet-linked Network Cameras for simultaneous viewing playback and recording. The unit records in both JPEG and MPEG4 and supports various frame rates configurable to meet a variety of applications and network bandwidths. The WJ-ND300A multifunction disk recorder offers High Speed Throughout, combining high image quality with a high frame rate. Plus, it gives you the full, IP-addressing capabilities required to maximize both flexibility and scalability. Up to 32 registered users can access the unit from any PC on the network with a user ID and password system protecting it from unauthorized use. WJ-ND300A Features: Network Video Recorder, Manages Up to 32 Cameras, MPEG-4 & JPEG Multi Format, High Speed Throughput, Flexible Playback Controls, Alarm notification by E-mail, Expansion Capacity of Up To 28TB, Quick IP Setup f/Panasonic i-Pro series Network Cameras, Recorded Images can be Downloaded to a PC, . Alarm Sources Include -16x Terminal Inputs -16x Camera Alarm -Panasonic Alarm Protocol, Flexible Alarm Actions Include -Alarm Recording -E-mail Notification -Alarm Message -Camera Positioning -FTP Image Transfer -Terminal Output -Panasonic Alarm Protocol Output -Buzzer & LED, Network Port -1x 10BASE-T -100BASE-TX, Recording Modes -Manaul -Schedule -Event (Pre/Post) -Emergency -External Timer, Image transfer to FTP server: Recorded Image upon Alarm and/or Live Image Periodically. Display Modes: Spot / Quad (8 patterns) / Spot Sequence / Quad Sequence, Bandwidth Control: 32 k / 64 k / 128 k / 256 k / 512 k / 1, 024 k / 2 M /5 M / 10 M (bps) and unlimited. Camera Control: Pan/Tilt / Zoom / Focus / Brightness / Preset Position / Auto mode (depending on camera model) , Flexible Playback Controls -A-B Repeat -Goto Date (Jump to specific time/date) -Goto Last (Jump to 5 sec. 5 min. before the record end) . Syst"
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Panasonic WJ-ND300A-4000T Network Video Recorders
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$6399.95 |