Black Friday Sales 2014 PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 8" Extension for Sanyo PLC-XU106 Review
Overall this PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 8" Extension for Sanyo PLC-XU106 is perfectly manufactured, really works wonderfully, I completely think the purchasing will probably be worth extra money. Hot Offer PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 8" Extension for Sanyo PLC-XU106
Price : $69.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Projector Ceiling Mounts Direct, LLC.
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Product ID : ea06e53f93aec4a3ba71d53be1b131c8
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In case that you are actually taking into consideration to shopping item at a great top quality as well as a reasonable budget. We very suggested PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 8" Extension for Sanyo PLC-XU106 is one of top quality and even more prominent item item that you are searching for. Even if you research it meticulously concerning product specification, functions and valuable customer assessments, of course you need to not decline to get it one. You could examine the present price from the link here.
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 8" Extension for Sanyo PLC-XU106 Description
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 8" Extension for Sanyo PLC-XU106 Type: Not intended for drop/false ceilings. Features: 100% aircraft aluminum (6061-T6) construction. Projector plates are CNC machined for precise fitment. Sets the projector approximately 8" away from the ceiling. Max Tilt: +/- 80?. Detailed instructions are included for quick and easy installation. All the necessary hardware is also included. Not intended for drop/false ceilings.
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PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 8" Extension for Sanyo PLC-XU106
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$69.95 |