Deals Black Friday On Photoflex SK-FF400DADH30B Flexflash Double 400Watt Kit With Umbrella
With this Photoflex SK-FF400DADH30B Flexflash Double 400Watt Kit With Umbrella you only just begin to see the lots of benefits which usually meet you require, immensely important it is a good product for value.
Price : $1206.34 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Photoflex
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Product ID : 3666cbfcd35bc3c0716a4c2a01ff2a85
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In case you are likely considering to ordering product with a beneficial high quality together with a sensible price. We highly suggested Photoflex SK-FF400DADH30B Flexflash Double 400Watt Kit With Umbrella is among top-notch and even more preferred product item that you are trying to find. Also if you examine it thoroughly concerning product information, functions and handy customer evaluations, naturally you must not reject to get it one. You could look at the up to date price via the hyperlink here.
![Photoflex SK-FF400DADH30B Flexflash Double 400Watt Kit With Umbrella](
Photoflex SK-FF400DADH30B Flexflash Double 400Watt Kit With Umbrella Description
The Flex Flash 400 Umbrella Kit comes equipped with two Flex Flash 400Ws strobes two Compact LiteStands two 30 in. silver adjustable reflective umbrellas and a convenient carry case. This strobe has a full-featured easy-to-read digital screen with a flash duration of 1/1200th of a second. Gives you double the power of the Flex Flash 200 model: ideal for product photography and large group portraiture. The silver umbrellas are versatile resilient and durable with ribs and strut pivots made from a fiberglass composite and center poles that are Extruded aluminum and closed off at the base. The Compact LiteStands are ideal for the photographer on the go with reverse leg folding technology that can fit in a small backpack or case. This kit is designed smart and powerfully built for today's photographer yet attractively priced.Flex Flash 400 StrobeFull-featured oversized LCD display with bold power level indicator easy to read at any angle and when positioned high on a LiteStand.Auto power dumping.Maximum sync speed optical at 1/320th sec.Pre-flash detection system allows infrared synchronization with speedlights.Automatic cooling / ventilation system.Auto voltage detection 90 260V (modeling lamp e x cluded) for worldwide use.250-watt proportional modeling lamp allows for continuous light shooting as well as strobe.PhotoFlex 30 in. Silver UmbrellasAdjustable shape (circular square oblong) allows you to alter the shape of the catchlight and to fit small spaces.Triple-laminated - 190 thread count tightly woven and triple laminated fabric eliminates light leaks making this umbrella highly efficient.Folds down like a traditional umbrella for optimal portability.Can be used for strobe or hot lights.PhotoFlex Compact LiteStands
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Photoflex SK-FF400DADH30B Flexflash Double 400Watt Kit With Umbrella
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$1206.34 | ![]() |