Deals Black Friday On Rokinon Fe14Mafn Camera Lens 14Mm F2.8 If Ed Super Wide
Total the Rokinon Fe14Mafn Camera Lens 14Mm F2.8 If Ed Super Wide is very nicely made, really works magnificently, I most likely experience the purchase decision is really worth any extra budget.
Price : $468.53 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Rokinon
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 26d473bac8b8b72f0e917ef63d1b5d2a
Rating :
The product elements are excellent and loadeded with quality of Rokinon Fe14Mafn Camera Lens 14Mm F2.8 If Ed Super Wide is the key idea that takes it among the product you may really get bought. As well as, it is likewise friendly budget to your budgets as well. You could find the complete item detail and look into great offers that have probably been upgraded through the store using click the link here. You may possibly purchase the amazing offer and you can not refuse it, desire you get the wonderful price.
![Rokinon Fe14Mafn Camera Lens 14Mm F2.8 If Ed Super Wide](
Rokinon Fe14Mafn Camera Lens 14Mm F2.8 If Ed Super Wide Description
Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 IF ED MC Super Wide Angle Lens w/ Automatic Chip for Nikon - 14mm f/2.8 Super Wide Angle AEFeatures Now features an automatic chip for metering! Ultra-wide angle of view on both full frame and APS-C cameras Excellent construction and superior build quality for razor sharp images Features built-in petal type hood Minimum focusing distance of only 0.9 ft. Super multi-layer coating to reduce flares and ghost imagesDescriptionTheNEWROKINON 14mm Ultra-Wide Angle F/2.8 IF ED UMC Lens is the highest quality affordably priced 14mm lens on the market. It is designed for full frame cameras and is fully compatible with APS-C cameras as well. Its build and construction are superb! The lens construction is 14 elements in 12 groups and features 2 ED lens elements, one hybrid aspherical lens element and one glass aspherical lens element. All of these lens elements combine to minimize distortion and chromatic aberrations. Your pictures are sure to come our razor sharp and clear, even at the corners! The Rokinon 14mm lens features a remarkable 115.7 angle of view on full-frame cameras and a 93.9 angle of view on APS-C cameras. The lens is available for the following mounts: Canon EOS, Nikon, Sony Alpha, Pentax & Olympus 4/3. There are two Nikon versions; one version is fully manual while the second version features a built-in automatic focus confirm chip to sync and auto-meter with your camera. Specification: Now features an automatic chip for metering! Ultra-wide angle of view on both full frame and APS-C camerasExcellent construction and superior build quality for razor sharp imagesFeatures built-in petal type hoodMinimum focusing distance of only 0.9 ft. Super multi-layer coating to reduce flares and ghost images Specifications: f=14mm, F 2.8 Aperature Range: F2.8 22 Optical Construction: 14 ELEMENT IN 12 GROUPS (1 GLASS ASP, 1 HYBRID ASP) Min. Focusing Distance 0.9 ft (0.28m) Maximum Diameter: 87.0mm.
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Rokinon Fe14Mafn Camera Lens 14Mm F2.8 If Ed Super Wide
Merchant : Walmart |
$468.53 | ![]() |