Black Friday Deals 2014 Samsung 5-Feet Micro USB Charging Data Cable (Pack of 2) Don't Miss
With this Samsung 5-Feet Micro USB Charging Data Cable (Pack of 2) you basically are aware of the many advantages that will deal with you need to get, strongly recommended it actually is a good product for value.
Price : $8.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant :
Product ID : 9c99f1bb00a6ccb6fc09e0ba8d73b98c
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With one another great item is include Samsung 5-Feet Micro USB Charging Data Cable (Pack of 2) authorized via a bunch of comments directly from actual users validated that Samsung 5-Feet Micro USB Charging Data Cable (Pack of 2) is really great and useful product and really worth the cash that they spent. If you have any type of inquiries regarding the attributes of the product or want to examine the up to date price of this product. Simply click on the web link below, you shall discover a really great offers that undeniable.

Samsung 5-Feet Micro USB Charging Data Cable (Pack of 2) Description
"Keep your Samsung phone powered and sync your data with the Samsung 5 FT Micro USB Charging Data Cable.This 5 FT cable will give you enough reach so you can use your phone and charge at the same time Length: 5 ft.This data cable will keep your phone powered by connecting it to a USB adapter or your computer.This 5 FT cable will give you enough reach so you can use your phone and charge at the same time.This cable will help you manage your data from music, videos, pictures and more.Keep your Samsung phone powered and sync your data with the Samsung 5 FT Micro USB Charging Data Cable.Samsung Acclaim R880, Admire R720, Array M390, ATIV Odyssey i930, A187, A197, Brightside U380, Behold 2 T939, Caliber R850, Captivate i897, Character R640, Chrono R260, Chrono R261, Galaxy Ace S5830, Galaxy S Blaze 4G T769, Galaxy S 4G T959V, Galaxy SII HD LTE i757M, Galaxy S II AT&T i777, Galaxy S II Skyrocket (i727) , Galaxy S II (R760) , Galaxy S III i535 (Verizon Wireless) , Galaxy Stellar i200, Galaxy Tab 3 7.0, Galaxy Tab 3 8.0, Galaxy Tab 3 10.1, Galaxy Victory 4G LTE (L700) , Gem i100, Google Nexus S, Gravity Q T289, Gravity TXT T379, Gravity 3 T479, Gravity SMART T589, Gravity T T669, Gusto U360, Gusto 2 U365, Haven U320, Highnote M630, Infuse 4G, Instinct HD S50, Intensity II U460, Intercept M910, Intrepid i350, M220, M240, M320, M330, M400, M360, Messager II R560, Messager III R570, Messager Touch R630, Mesmerize i500, Moment M900, Montage (M390) , Mythic A897 phone models.WhiteRubberModel: SG-ECBDU4EWEx2Included items: 2 Samsung 5-Feet Micro USB Charging Data CablesDimensions: 60 x 0.5 x 0.4 inchesWeight: .3 ounces"
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