Black Friday 2014 Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 16GB Tablet - White Instantly
Can be a safe compared item functions and value. The Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 16GB Tablet - White is a great decision to shop for.
Price : $498.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Sam's Club
Product ID : 87640453e326cc12f726a60db0dfcc61
Rating :
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![Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 16GB Tablet - White](
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 16GB Tablet - White Description
Our best display and performance make smart work brilliant: 560x1600 HD Display - Double the pixels of an HDTV and 1 million pixels more than the standard display on most other tablets. 1.9 GHz Quad Core Processor - Our most powerful processor makes everything faster and more efficient. 3GB RAM - Our speediest memory yet, which lets you multi-task effortlessly. Utilize Multi-Window and S Pen to work fast and play more. Multi-Window Feature - Open two windows or apps at the same time, side-by-side on one screen. S Pen - Write, draw and now capture content with the new drag-and-drop feature. Hover and click to launch Air Command, a palette of five multi-tasking features such as Action Menu, Scrapbook and S Finder. Device Connectivity - Share content including music and movies across devices with Samsung Link, and share with others using Group Play. Magazine UX - Top magazines and newspapers are preloaded, and our new UX delivers it all in an intuitive format. Travel easier and in style with our slimmer, lighter, design. Premium Look - Bring elegance to your tablet experience with our new texture-stitch design made with super-premium materials. Thinner and Lighter Reduced bezel size creates ultimate portability. .content style ul (margin-left:25px;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:20px;) .content style li (margin-bottom:2px;) .content style p (margin:10px 0;) .content style th (font-size:13px;background-color:#DBF1FE;text-align: left;)
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