Black Friday Sale Samsung S19C200BR 19" LED LCD Monitor - 5:4 - 5 ms
If you should compared device specifications and price. The Samsung S19C200BR 19" LED LCD Monitor - 5:4 - 5 ms is a wonderful option to purchase.
Price : $178.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant :
Product ID : 75221bf294368aa6092cffceb5654287
Rating :

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Samsung S19C200BR 19" LED LCD Monitor - 5:4 - 5 ms Description
Boasting a practical design with a stunning narrow bezel this monitor is perfect for educational purposes and public facilities. The Samsung SC200 really does cover all the basics, while still providing an outstanding performance, and is definitely a monitor worth investing in. Manufacturer: Samsung Manufacturer Part Number: S19C200BR Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Samsung Product Model: S19C200BR Product Name: S19C200BR LCD Monitor Product Type: LCD Monitor Technical Information: Screen Mode: SXGA Technical Information: Aspect Ratio: 5:4 Technical Information: Backlight Technology: LED Video: Color Supported: 16.7 Million Colors Video: Contrast Ratio: 1,000:1 Audio: Speakers: No Interfaces/Ports: DVI: Yes Interfaces/Ports: HDMI: No Interfaces/Ports: VGA: Yes Interfaces/Ports: DisplayPort: No Physical Characteristics: VESA Mount Compatible: Yes Physical Characteristics: Color: Matte Black Package Contents: S19C200BR LCD MonitorVGA CableDVI Cable1.5 m Power CableE-ManualInstall CDQuick Setup Guide Green Compliant: Yes Green Compliance Certificate/Authority: ENERGY STAR 6.0 Country of Origin: Mexico
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