2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Samsung (r) WB35F 16.2 MP 12x Optical Zoom Smart Digital Camera; Red Instantly
Samsung (r) WB35F 16.2 MP 12x Optical Zoom Smart Digital Camera; Red is seriously a very good products with a beneficial selling price, worth every dollar. Very satisfied.
Price : $146.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : NA
Merchant : Quill.com
Product ID : 421ffc5baececc341cdfcd0608214897
Rating :

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Samsung (r) WB35F 16.2 MP 12x Optical Zoom Smart Digital Camera; Red Description
Focus range: Normal: 80cm - infinity (wide) , 250cm - infinity (tele) macro: 5cm - 80cm (wide) , 130cm - 250cm (tele) auto macro: 5cm - infinity (wide) , 130cm - infinity (tele) .
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Samsung (r) WB35F 16.2 MP 12x Optical Zoom Smart Digital Camera; Red
Merchant : Quill.com |
$146.99 | ![]() |