Black Friday 2014 Ads Samsung RF263TEAESR Stainless Steel 36" Wide 25 Cu. Ft. French Door Don't Miss
Samsung RF263TEAESR Stainless Steel 36" Wide 25 Cu. Ft. French Door is actually a beneficial stuff for a good selling price, worth every dollar. Completely pleased. Hot Offer Samsung RF263TEAESR Stainless Steel 36" Wide 25 Cu. Ft. French Door
Price : $2199.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
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Product ID : e990ff473ed1b22a038e8a92f558c4f6
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When you are usually thinking about to shopping for product with a really good quality together with a practical price. We very advised Samsung RF263TEAESR Stainless Steel 36" Wide 25 Cu. Ft. French Door is among top-notch and even more well-liked product product that you are seeking. Also if you research it carefully about item specification, attributes and useful consumer evaluations, certainly you have to not reject to acquire it one. You can take a look at the existing price through the hyperlink here.
Samsung RF263TEAESR Stainless Steel 36" Wide 25 Cu. Ft. French Door Description
Please call us at 800-375-3403 (Option 7) to speak to our appliance experts about pricing, manufacturer rebates, delivery options, and whole kitchen packages.Features:Large Capacity: Offering 25 cu. ft. of space this large capacity french door refrigerator provides ample room to meet your storage needsWater Filter: Get great tasting filtered water straight from your refrigeratorTwin Cooling System: With two fans and evaporators the refrigerator and freezer are kept at optimal humidity levels for fresh, longer lasting foodsHigh-Efficiency LED Lighting: Illuminates virtually every corner of the refrigeratorCoolSelect Pantry-: This full width pantry drawer has independent temperature controls making it perfect for storing beverages, party platters, deli items and even defrosting items in a controlled environmentAuto Pull-Out Freezer Drawer: The drawer automatically slides out when the freezer is opened, giving easy access to commonly used frozen foodsIce Master: The ice maker produces up to 10 pounds of ice per dayENERGY STAR Specifications:Fresh Food Capacity: 17.7 Cu. Ft.Freezer Capacity: 7.9 Cu. Ft.Total Capacity: 25.6 Cu. Ft.Dimensions: 35-3/4" W x 70" H x 35-1/4" DDepth with Door 90- Open: 45-3/8"Refrigerator Shelf Material: Tempered GlassIce Dispenser: ExternalWater Dispenser: ExternalVoltage: 120 VoltsProduct Weight: 309 Pounds
If you need to have information and facts about the pros and cons about Samsung RF263TEAESR Stainless Steel 36" Wide 25 Cu. Ft. French Door. The simplest approach is you could take a look at it directly from the customer reviews regarding this product. The actual encounters of consumers who using the products that just how they give score for this item and exactly what they satisfied and dissatisfied about this item. The most important is this item could be worked exactly just as you require or otherwise. This is among the essential info you have to understand.
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Samsung RF263TEAESR Stainless Steel 36" Wide 25 Cu. Ft. French Door
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$2199.00 |