2014 Black Friday Samsung RS25H5111WW White 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Side-By-Side Don't Miss
Finally this Samsung RS25H5111WW White 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Side-By-Side is exceptionally well made, functions amazingly, I absolutely experience the buy online may well be worth any extra money. Hot Offer Samsung RS25H5111WW White 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Side-By-Side
Price : $1849.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Build.com
Product ID : 31ddc0b48f8c2d6c591064022f1d5def
Rating :
When you are certainly thinking about to shopping item with a great quality along with a sensible deal. We very suggested this Samsung RS25H5111WW White 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Side-By-Side is one of premium and even more prominent item item that you are trying to find. Even if you research it carefully concerning item description, features and handy customer comments, of course you should not reject to buy it one. You can look at the present price through the web link below.
Samsung RS25H5111WW White 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Side-By-Side Description
Please call us at 800-375-3403 (Option 7) to speak to our appliance experts about pricing, manufacturer rebates, delivery options, and whole kitchen packages.Features:Large Capacity: This side-by-side refrigerator has a capacity of 25 cu. ft.LED Tower Lighting: These space saving lights brighten every corner of the refrigerator while reducing heat and energy outputTwin Cooling Plus-: Separate evaporators maintain high levels of humidity in the refrigerator to keep fruits and vegetables fresher longer while keeping the freezer conditions dryAutomatic In-Door Ice Maker: This space saving ice maker produces up to 4.2 pounds of ice per day, holding up to 5.5 poundsDigital Display Water and Ice Dispenser: This dispenser provides easy access to ice and water as well as refrigerator settings ENERGY STAR Specifications:Fresh Food Capacity: 15.32 Cu. Ft.Freezer Capacity: 9.18 Cu. Ft.Total Capacity: 24.5 Cu. Ft.Dimensions: 35-3/4" W x 69-7/8" H x 36-1/2" DVoltage: 120 VoltsAmperage: 15 AmpsProduct Weight: 279 Pounds
If you are uncertain on whether to purchase Samsung RS25H5111WW White 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Side-By-Side or not, the way to assist you determine this problem is to study several customer reviews of this product. Review a number of evaluations to discover whether it is a product that meets your specific wants or what this item could give you some absolutely helpful or are you could overlooked some problems of it. So all of that ensure you get a buying with a great reason and worth the money you pay.
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Image | Item | Price | |
Samsung RS25H5111WW White 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Side-By-Side
Merchant : Build.com |
$1849.00 |