Black Friday 2014 Deals Samsung Security SCP-2370RH Analog IR Outdoor PTZ Instantly
Generally this Samsung Security SCP-2370RH Analog IR Outdoor PTZ is very well made, will work amazingly, I absolutely notice the purchase decision may well be worth extra money. Hot Deal Samsung Security SCP-2370RH Analog IR Outdoor PTZ
Price : $2161.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung Security
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Product ID : d3fc135d33bdb2554101e48a9d2eb23a
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If you are really looking to paying for product with a top notch high quality including a sensible price. We very suggested Samsung Security SCP-2370RH Analog IR Outdoor PTZ is just one of high quality and more prominent product product that you are looking for. Also if you research it thoroughly regarding item detail, functions and helpful customer overviews, of program you need to not refuse to get it one. You can check out the present price from the hyperlink below.
Samsung Security SCP-2370RH Analog IR Outdoor PTZ Description
"Samsung SCP-2370RH Brand New Includes Three Year Warranty, The Samsung SCP-2370RH is a high speed professional infrared PTZ camera that features a 37x optical zoom and built-in IR LEDs . It adjusts the infrared intensity to provide the appropriate amount of IR light at certain zoom ratios allowing it to capture details in the dark up to 328ft. The SCP-2370RH offers true day & night, motion detection, and delivers clear and vivid images. It is IP66 rated making this camera suitable for any challenging condition. SCP-2370RH Features: Analog Infrared PTZ Dome Camera, CVBS Video Output, 1/4"" Super HAD II CCD Image Sensor, High Resolution: 600TV Lines (Color) , 700TV Lines (B/W) , Minimum Illumination: 0 Lux (IR LED On) , 0.02Lux (B/W) , 0.001Lux (Color Sens-Up) , 3.5 129.5mm 37x Built-in Varifocal Auto Lens, Optical / Digital Zoom: Upto 37x / Upto 16x, Built-in high-performance IR LEDs, IR Intensity Adjustment w/ Zooming In/Out Ratio, 185 Tilt Angle, Intelligent Video Analytics, True Day & Night Function: Auto (ICR) / External / Color / B/W, Backlight Compensation: BLC / HLC / Off, Contrast Enhancement: SSDR, Virtual Progressive Scan, Motion Detection, Privacy Masking: 8 Programmable Zones, White Balance: ATW / Outdoor / Indoor / Manual / AWC, 512x Sens-Up Support, Electronic Shutter Speed: 1/60 To 1/120, 000 Sec, Digital Image Stabilization, 2D/3D Filtering Noise Reduction Technology, Communication: Coaxial Control (SPC-300 Compatible) , RS-485, On Screen Display: English, Japanese, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Taiwanese, Korean, Power: 24V AC"
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Samsung Security SCP-2370RH Analog IR Outdoor PTZ
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$2161.95 |