2014 Black Friday Deals Samsung Security SRD-1650DC-12TB 16CH Premium DVR Review
Samsung Security SRD-1650DC-12TB 16CH Premium DVR that can be purchased right now, only just see recent selling prices comparison as well as shipping available for aid you in getting the best offer. Hot Deal Samsung Security SRD-1650DC-12TB 16CH Premium DVR
Price : $4134.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung Security
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com
Product ID : 8fb806ed4299c6467002cb22e07c0177
Rating :
The product elements are outstanding and packed with top-notch of Samsung Security SRD-1650DC-12TB 16CH Premium DVR is the great factor that takes it among the item you shall really get owned. Increased, it is too friendly budget to your pockets too. You could find the complete item description and look at special advertisings that have been up-dated directly from the store using click the link below. You may possibly look for the amazing offer and you could not reject it, desire you have the excellent deal.
Samsung Security SRD-1650DC-12TB 16CH Premium DVR Description
"Samsung SRD-1650DC Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Samsung SRD-1650DC is a 16-Channel DVR with Built-in DVD-R/W that allows real-time CIF recording across all channels as well as recording up to full 4CIF with lower frame rates. Slim form factor DVR allows a small foot print while providing no loss in quality features and incorporates a user friendly GUI with multiple record, search and playback modes. The unit provides USB ports for easy back up and mounse control, Two Way Audio as well as RS-485 for PTZ Security Cameras and System controllers. H.264 compression technology allows you to save on storage space while also minimizing the bandwidth requirement for operations. The SRD-1650DC offers advanced features for remote viewing including webviewer applications, cms software including smart phone support for Android and Iphone. Highly reliable Linux based unit with easy operation and professional surveillance attributes like digital watermark make it high grade yet cost effective . SRD-1650DC Features: Digital Video Recorder, Records at CIF Resolution Per Channel, Manages Up to 16 Cameras, H.264 Compression Technology, 3 USB Ports For Backup, Supports CIF/2CIF/4CIF Recording Formats, 4-CIF Resolution Real-Time Recording Capability, Real Time 480fps (NTSC) / 400fps (PAL) Recording Rate, Playback Functions, Supports RS485 Protocols For PTZ Controls Via Coaxial Cable, DVD Writer Back-Up Support, Live Multi Screen Display, Email Notification Of User-Defined Critical Events, Network Port -1x 10BASE-T -100BASE-T -1000BASE-T (RJ-45) , Upto 5 SATA I/F HDD Support, Various Search Modes -Time, Event, Backup, POS & Motion Detection, Audio Format: ADPCM Compression -16KHz Sampling Rate, Smart Phone Support, Linux-Based Operating System, Alarm Inputs / Outputs, Free DDNS, Easy To Install & Configure, Multilingual Support: - Korean, Japanese, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Turkish, Netherlands, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Thai, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Hungarian, Greek"
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Samsung Security SRD-1650DC-12TB 16CH Premium DVR
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com |
$4134.95 |