2014 Black Friday Samsung Security SRD-1670DC-13TB 16CH Premium DVR Instantly
Samsung Security SRD-1670DC-13TB 16CH Premium DVR is really an incredibly good gadgets at a beneficial offer, worth the cost. Awfully joyful. Hot Deal Samsung Security SRD-1670DC-13TB 16CH Premium DVR
Price : $5026.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung Security
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com
Product ID : 28b7fd5b7736705e3f91eb09be1eff9a
Rating :
The product attributes are outstanding and loadeded with premium quality of Samsung Security SRD-1670DC-13TB 16CH Premium DVR is the main factor that makes it among the item you will grow had. Plus, it is as well friendly-budget to your pockets as well. You could look at the full item summary and look into amazing offers that have really been upgraded from the store using click the web link here. You might possibly get the interesting offer and you can not refuse it, wish you have the good price.
Samsung Security SRD-1670DC-13TB 16CH Premium DVR Description
"Samsung SRD-1670DC Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Samsung SRD-1670DC is a H.264 Digital Video Recorder which offers real-time D1 digital video recording and playback capabilities as well as monitoring functions from a remote PC via a convenient user interface. You can use the DVR for recording H.264 format video with ADPCM audio format support via various recording modes such as time lapse, event, and scheduled recording. It is provided with 16-channel audio input and a single-channel audio output . Recording is supported at 480 (NTSC) / 400 (PAL) IPS speed with a 4CIF resolution of 704 x 480 (NTSC) and 704 x 576 (PAL) . Output display formats supported include BNC and VGA/HDMI video output. Substantial video content can be stored on up to 5 internal Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) with a storage capacity of 1TB. Faster and reliable data transfer rates are enabled via the HDD/DVD SATA interface. Backups of the data can be taken on mass storage HDDs at high speed via USB 2.0 and eSATA support . HDD status and information is readily available on a display via the HDD SMART feature . Enhanced security features include password protection and data authentication . Event notifications can be mailed to your email address. The DVR also includes advanced up-the-coax telemetry control via Coaxitron. SRD-1670DC Features: Digital Video Recorder, Records at CIF Resolution Per Channel, ADPCM Audio Recording Support, H.264 Video Recording Support, 4-CIF Resolution Of 704 x 480 (NTSC) & 704 x 576 (PAL) , Support for Smartphones, 3 USB Ports For Backup, 16-Channel Audio Inputs & Single Channel Audio Outputs, BNC & VGA/HDMI Video Output, Up to 5 Internal HDD Support, HDD/DVD SATA Interface, Built-In Web Viewer & DVD-RW, Password Protection/Data Authentication, Real-Time D1 Digital Video Recording -Playback Capabilities -Monitoring From Remote PC via Convenient user Interface, HDD/DVD SATA Interface -Enables Faster & Reliable Data Transfer Rates, Supports RS485 Protocols For PTZ Controls, Event Notifications by Email, Alarm Interface -Input -Output -Reset, Network Port -1 (RJ-45) -10BASE-T -100BASE-T -1000BASE-T, Recording Modes -Compression : H.2"
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Samsung Security SRD-1670DC-13TB 16CH Premium DVR
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com |
$5026.95 |