2014 Black Friday Deals SIGMA 28mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon Instantly
SIGMA 28mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon available to buy currently, only just see most current selling prices comparison plus shipping available for assist you in getting the best offer.
Price : $448.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : SIGMA
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : a6cb68f560eb921bab2179bd87cd2456
Rating :

The product functions are exceptional and fulled of good quality of SIGMA 28mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon is the important factor that takes it among the item you may grow purchased. And also, it is as well friendly budget to your wallets too. You can check out the complete item information and have a look at wonderful offers that have already been up-dated through the site using click the link below. You may buy the beneficial deal and you can not deny it, wish you have the very good price.

SIGMA 28mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon Description
SIGMA 28mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon Type: Wide Angle Lens Compatibility: For Nikon Diameter: 77mm Focus Type: Auto Focus Features: Super Multi Coating reduces flare and ghosting that tends to occur when using digital SLR cameras. The large aperture wide-angle lens for digital and 35mm film SLR cameras. This lens has a macro focusing capability with fast F1.8 maximum aperture, which is ideal for Digital SLR cameras. Macro capability This lens is capable of Macro photography, with minimum shooting distance of 20cm (7.8 inch) (reproduction ratio 1 : 2.9) and angle of view is 75.4. You can take picture not only the subject but also the surrounding scenery. Large front element and Super wide-angle The lens has an advanced optical construction, in order to obtain adequate peripheral brightness with open aperture. Also, the iris diaphragm has 9 diaphragm b...
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SIGMA 28mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon
Merchant : Newegg.com |
$448.99 | ![]() |