2014 Black Friday Smith Optics Cornice (Matte Smoke/Green Sol-X Carbonic TLT Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses Instantly
If you have to compared product features and cost. The Smith Optics Cornice (Matte Smoke/Green Sol-X Carbonic TLT Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses is a wonderful substitute for decide to purchase.
Price : $80.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Smith Optics
Merchant : Zappos.com
Product ID : 35a06bc345a6c1b2ca83d34643ccfcbb
Rating :

Among great product is consist of Smith Optics Cornice (Matte Smoke/Green Sol-X Carbonic TLT Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses confirmed from a bunch of reviews coming from genuine users verified that Smith Optics Cornice (Matte Smoke/Green Sol-X Carbonic TLT Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses is extremely good and usable product and be good for the cash that they paid. If you have any questions concerning the functions of the product or want to examine the up to date price of this item. Just now click the link below, you shall find a budget friendly prices that undeniable.

Smith Optics Cornice (Matte Smoke/Green Sol-X Carbonic TLT Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses Description
The Cornice by Smith Optics is the ideal accessory to keep you and your sight looking sharp.Evolve frame is durable and flexible, perfect for a variety of activities.Adjustable wire-core temples with barrel hinges.Stylized Smith Optics metal logo hit on side temples.Polarized lens filters out 99.9% of visual static for increased depth perception, increased visual acuity, and maximum glare-free comfort. Available on the Matte Tortoise and Matte Black styles.Carbonic TLT (Tapered Lens Technology) corrects visual distortion by progressively tapering the lens from the optical center towards the outer edges.Hydrophilic Megol nose and temple pads for added comfort.Six-base lens curvature.A medium fit with large coverage.Imported. Measurements:Temple Length: 143 mmFrame Width: 141 mmLens Height: 43 mmWeight: 1 ozLens Width: 56 mmBridge: 11 mm
Right before you purchase Smith Optics Cornice (Matte Smoke/Green Sol-X Carbonic TLT Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses, you should visit the attributes of the product, material functionality, pros and cons of the item so efficiently. By researching customer reviews of this item, you need to research numerous customer reviews. The genuine users encounter of these products are going to assist you make the decision successfully, rationally without acquiring blunder and well worth for the price.