2014 Black Friday Deals SONY ECM-SST1 Compact Stereo Microphone Instantly
SONY ECM-SST1 Compact Stereo Microphone is certainly a very good devices at the good total price, worth every penny. Completely cheerful. Hot Deal SONY ECM-SST1 Compact Stereo Microphone
Price : $89.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : d05ec354a85d200628ee9e745d18c382
Rating :
The product attributes are superb and loadeded with excellent of SONY ECM-SST1 Compact Stereo Microphone is the weighty purpose that gets it among the item you will really get bought. Increased, it is additionally friendly-budget to your budgets also. You can check out the complete product description and have a look at amazing advertisings that have already been improved from the store via click the web link below. You may possibly search for the amazing deal and you could not deny it, wish you have the great offer.
SONY ECM-SST1 Compact Stereo Microphone Description
SONY ECM-SST1 Compact Stereo Microphone Specifications: Dimensions (Approx.) : 2 7/8 x 2 x 1 1/8 in (72.8 x 50.2 x 27mm) Weight (Approx.) : 1.5 oz (40g) Battery Type: N/A - runs off power source from camera body In the Box: Carrying case Microphone Wind screen Features: Bring the audio in your videos to life with the ECM-SST1 compact stereo microphone. A perfect accessory for video recording with your a NEX-3 or NEX-5 camera, this microphone connects to the Smart Accessory Terminal and has a wind screen to help eliminate wind noise. Plus, this microphone offers selectable sound direction between 90 and 120 degrees. Selectable directivity Selecte the directivity of sound from 90 degrees to 120 degrees. No batteries required Microphones derives power from the camera body. Wind screen Included wind screen to help reduce wind noise Compact Compact and lightweight, making it easy...
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Image | Item | Price | |
SONY ECM-SST1 Compact Stereo Microphone
Merchant : Newegg.com |
$89.00 |