2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Sony HDR-PJ275/B Full HD 60p Camcorder w/ built-in Projector Kit
Sony HDR-PJ275/B Full HD 60p Camcorder w/ built-in Projector Kit is definitely a beneficial items at a awesome selling price, worth every dollar. Totally satisfied. Hot Deal Sony HDR-PJ275/B Full HD 60p Camcorder w/ built-in Projector Kit
Price : $399.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant : Beach Trading Co.
Product ID : 50dde4952a81f851ceee9e11204f8d1e
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Sony HDR-PJ275/B Full HD 60p Camcorder w/ built-in Projector Kit Description
Smartphones Don't Shoot Like This Make it memorable with Sony Full HD/60p and a built-in projector. Capture amazing footage in low light and control, transfer and backup everything via Wi-Fi with NFC in just a touch. Get close to the action with a 27x zoom, wide-angle Carl Zeiss lens and say goodbye to shake with Steady Shot image stabilization. It's the perfect starter camera. The Makings of a Masterpiece Precious moments become even more special the secondtime around when recorded in exquisitely rich 1920 x 1080/60p Full HD video. And now thanks to Sony's back-illuminated Exmor R CMOS sensor, you can capture every minute of birthday parties, campfire sing-alongs, or any other situation where lighting is less than perfect in vivid clarity and lifelike detail. Notice the perfect photo op while recording? You can shoot 9.2MP still images and video at the same time so you won't miss an ounce of the action. Ready, Set, Project Turn down the lights and turn on the high-contrast 13-lumen projector built into the LCD panel. You've just transformed your camcorder into a mobile 100" movie theater by projecting onto a wall or virtually any flat surface. It's great for sharing footage on the fly, but since it works with HDMI-compatible smartphones, video game consoles, laptops and tablets, you can also project YouTube videos, photos, full-length films and more. Wireless Control, Transfer, and Backup Turn your mobile phone, tablet or other compatible device into a remote control and viewing device via built-in Wi-Fi/NFC. With a simple touch you can transfer your files to your mobile device wirelessly for instant sharing, back up your data on your PC and even enjoy your videos and photos on a TV without wires, cables or hassle. Wide-Angle Shooting Fit more fun into every shot with a high-quality 29.8mm wide-angle Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, the authority in lens technology. Incredible 27x Optical Zoom Get amazingly close with 27x optical zoom plus 54x Clear Image digital zoom. Most digital zooms use electronic cropping to get closer to the subject, resulting in blurry images. With Clear Image Zoom the powerful processor compares patterns found in adjacent pixels and creates new pixels to match selected patterns, resulting in more realistic, higher-quality images. Clear Image Zoom doubles optical zoom for closer photos and video. Sharp Screen for Perfect Shots The 2.7" (16:9) Clear Photo LCD (230K) screen displays sharp, bright, vivid images, letting you compose a shot more easily - even outdoors, while giving you the ability to change settings to best capture the scene.
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Sony HDR-PJ275/B Full HD 60p Camcorder w/ built-in Projector Kit
Merchant : Beach Trading Co. |
$399.00 |