2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Sony HXRNX5U Digital Camcorder - 3.2" LCD - CMOS - SD Review
Finally the Sony HXRNX5U Digital Camcorder - 3.2" LCD - CMOS - SD is quite well manufactured, will work magnificently, I honestly look into the pay money for might be worth any extra budget.
Price : $3795.01 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : 72f4e202ce00a571358d392114244c72
Rating :
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Sony HXRNX5U Digital Camcorder - 3.2" LCD - CMOS - SD Description
The Sony HXR-NX5U NXCAM professional camcorder features built-in GPS, SMPTE time code in out, dual XLR inputs, simultaneous HD/MPEG-2 SD capture and more Display: 3.2-inch 921,600 pixels XtraFine touchscreen LCD monitor and XtraFine electronic viewfinder 0.45-inch color 1.2 megapixelResolution: Three 1/3-inch ClearVid CMOS Exmor sensors with Exmor Technology 1.04 megapixels eachZoom: Wide angle 20x G lens 29.5-590mm (35mm equivalent) f/1.6-3.4Active SteadyShot feature is a new enhanced image stabilization systemEquipped with 3 built-in ND (Neutral Density) filtersThe 6 blade iris diaphragmThe focus, zoom and iris ring are positioned on the lens barrel and this design offers the same operability as general interchangeable lensesShutter speed: 60i/30p/60p: 1/4-1/10000 or 24p: 1/3-1/10000 or Auto: 60i/60p: 1/60-1/2000 or 30p: 1/30-1/2000 or 24p: 1/48-1/2400Dual memory slots: MemoryStick pro duo, SD, SDHCMemory recording. HYBRID recording. Optional 128GB flash memory unitAudio: Dolby Digital stereo or Linear PCM stereoVideo format: HD: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 (AVCHD) or SD: MPEG-2 PSInterface: Component: RCAx3 (x1 output) , Composite: RCAx1 (x1 output) , HD/SD-SDI: BNC (x1 output) , HDMI (x1 output) , USB (x1 input/output) , audio L/R input: XLR 3 pin female (x2 input) audio L/R output: RCAx2 (x1 output) , Headphone: stereo mini jack, Remote: LANC (x1 input) Power: Info lithium battery pack or AC adapterA built-in global positioning system (GPS) locatorIncluded items: AC adapter / charger, NP-F770 L series Info Lithium battery pack, connecting cord, ECM-XM1 microphone, remote commander, component cable, A/V connecting cable, USB cable, large eyecup, lens hood with lens cover, accessory shoe kit, softwareDimensions: 7.4 inches high x 6.9 inches wide x 13.5 inches deepWeight: 5 pounds
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