2014 Black Friday Deals Yongnuo Professional YN-568EX Wireless TTL Flash Speedlite Speedlight For Nikon D700 D3 D3s D3x D2x D300 D300S D7000 D90 D80 D70 D70S D60 D3000 D3100 Instantly
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Price : $177.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : CE Compass
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : 96ce484331a0225f63fbd4948813111d
Rating :

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Yongnuo Professional YN-568EX Wireless TTL Flash Speedlite Speedlight For Nikon D700 D3 D3s D3x D2x D300 D300S D7000 D90 D80 D70 D70S D60 D3000 D3100 Description
Yongnuo Professional YN-568EX Wireless TTL Flash Speedlite Speedlight For Nikon D700 D3 D3s D3x D2x D300 D300S D7000 D90 D80 D70 D70S D60 D3000 D3100
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