Black Friday Sales 2014 YUMbrella YUMBTL3 Ultralight Tripod 3 Wire Castable Umbrella Rig Money Fry Pearl Don't Miss
YUMbrella YUMBTL3 Ultralight Tripod 3 Wire Castable Umbrella Rig Money Fry Pearl available on the market recently, take a moment to see the latest selling prices comparison coupled with shipping and delivery accessible for aid you in getting the best selection.
Price : $7.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Yum
Merchant : TackleDirect
Product ID : 9f974fda1cfd06a0b818e9b135ed9a66
Rating :

The product elements are excellent and fulled of good quality of YUMbrella YUMBTL3 Ultralight Tripod 3 Wire Castable Umbrella Rig Money Fry Pearl is the huge purpose that takes it among the product you would get had. Plus, it is also friendly budget to your budgets as well. You could look at the complete product information and have a look at amazing promotions that have been updated coming from the shop via click the hyperlink below. You may possibly view the amazing offer and you could not refute it, desire you get the excellent offer.

YUMbrella YUMBTL3 Ultralight Tripod 3 Wire Castable Umbrella Rig Money Fry Pearl Description
The YUMbrella YUMBTL3 Ultralight Tripod 3 Wire Castable Umbrella Rig allows anglers to throw three lures at once, simulating a small school of baitfish. The YUMbrella YUMBTL3 Ultralight Tripod 3 Wire Castable Umbrella Rig features incredible strength and durability, ensuring the lure arms never break free. Each lure arm is stainless steel that has been repeatedly heat tempered to create a Super Wire unmatched in strength and memory. In addition, the top-quality snaps and swivels ensure flawless performance on big fish. Designed for use on ultralight rod/reel combosTop quality components ensures unmatched performance, fish after fish1/16-oz. Jig Heads
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