Black Friday Deals AmScope M500C-PS50-WM-E 40X-2500X Advanced Home School Microscope Plus Digital Camera 50 Specimens & Book Instantly
AmScope M500C-PS50-WM-E 40X-2500X Advanced Home School Microscope Plus Digital Camera 50 Specimens & Book for sale right now, just recently view latest selling prices comparison and shipping suitable for assist you in getting the best bargain. Hot Deal AmScope M500C-PS50-WM-E 40X-2500X Advanced Home School Microscope Plus Digital Camera 50 Specimens & Book
Price : $400.91 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
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Product ID : 0afc6e05d20b9dfd1a1fdeb7506e19e2
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The product functions are outstanding and packed with premium quality of AmScope M500C-PS50-WM-E 40X-2500X Advanced Home School Microscope Plus Digital Camera 50 Specimens & Book is the huge purpose that makes it among the product you may acquire purchased. Increased, it is too friendly-budget to your pockets as well. You can find the full product detail and examine out exclusive promos that have probably been upgraded through the shop via click the hyperlink below. You may locate the very cool offer and you could not reject it, wish you get the wonderful deal.
AmScope M500C-PS50-WM-E 40X-2500X Advanced Home School Microscope Plus Digital Camera 50 Specimens & Book Description
This brand new compound microscope comes with a USB digital camera a 50 - piece prepared slide collection and the microscope book The World of The Microscope. The microscope has full optical glass elements metal framework coarse & fine focusing and a 20Watt electrical illumination system. It offers six magnification settings (40X 100X 250X 400X 1000X & 2500X) . The camera captures 640x480 pixel resolution still images and streams live videos on your computer screens. Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 (Driver & Software) and Mac (Driver only) the user friendly software edits microscope images in a manner similar to Photoshop. It can records videos captures still images and saves them in BMP TIFF JPG PICT PTL or other formats as well as conducts measurements for length angle area and etc. The 50 - piece prepared slides include assorted specimens of plants insects and animal tissues. The book investigates the enormous variety of objects too small for the eye to see. Step-by-Step diagrams show how to get the best from a microscope and how to make and keep slides. It covers different types of microscopes and there are plenty of exciting suggestions for projects which reveal the incredible detail of everyday objects. This is an ideal microscope package for home school or for students from elementary to high school and hobbyists. The specimens include - Pine Leaf Zea Stem Leaf of Winter Jasmine Coprimus Mushroom Set Sunflower Stem Young Root of Broad Bean Penicillium Onion Epidermis Tilia Stem Cucurbita Stem Pumpkin Stem Lillium Ovary Lillium Anther Stomata - Vicia Faba Leaf Zea Stem Teminal Bud Stem Tip Aspergillus Nymphaea of Apustio Stem Nymphaea Dandelion Fuzz Hydrilla Verticillata Leaf Pine Stem&
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