Deals Black Friday On AmScope ME300TZB-2L-3M 40X-2000X Two Light Metallurgical Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera Instantly
All in all the AmScope ME300TZB-2L-3M 40X-2000X Two Light Metallurgical Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera is quite nicely made, goes to work amazingly, I definitely look into the shop for might be worth extra budget. Hot Deal AmScope ME300TZB-2L-3M 40X-2000X Two Light Metallurgical Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera
Price : $1674.88 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant :
Product ID : 3e5f43ab9d965f53aebe6ad806e2e843
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In case you are really considering to purchasing product at an awesome top quality along with a practical offer. We very suggested AmScope ME300TZB-2L-3M 40X-2000X Two Light Metallurgical Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera is one of top-notch and additional well-liked item product that you are looking for. Also if you learn it thoroughly about product specification, features and helpful customer overviews, naturally you need to not decline to get it one. You can check the existing price from the hyperlink under here.
AmScope ME300TZB-2L-3M 40X-2000X Two Light Metallurgical Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera Description
Unlike most other metallurgical microscopes this model comes with both reflected (EPI) and transmitted illuminations as well as a 3MP true color digital image camera. It is an ideal instrument for metallurgical mineral and crystal identification. It is also a great microscopy system for viewing transparent materials including those in biological applications. This microscope offers eight magnification settings (40X 80X 100X 200X 400X 800X 1000X and 2000X) . It comes with a 30 degree inclined 360 degree rotatable trinocular head coarse & fine focusing mechanical stage and halogen EPI - illumination and transmitted illumination system. The digital camera captures still microscopy images streams live videos on your computers and are compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS X and Linux. The 0.5X reduction lens included gives your computer screens the same field of view as your microscope's eyepiece. The user-friendly software for Windows offers advanced features including Stitching EDF (Extended Depth of Focus) video recording and measurement functions. Live video and still image capture can be set in different resolutions simultaneously. You can edit and process images in a manner similar to Photoshop. This is an excellent metallurgical microscopy system for a variety of industrial and research applications including metallurgical labs silicon wafer inspection industrial Inspection quality control and foundries.Features:High quality trinocular professional upright metallurgical metallography microscope with reflected and transmitted illumination system!.Perfect for detail examination and micro - analysis of surface structures of metallic materials!.Excellent for quality control in industrial and research applications including metallurgical labs silicon
Right before you purchase AmScope ME300TZB-2L-3M 40X-2000X Two Light Metallurgical Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera, you ought to examine out the features of the item, material efficiency, pros and cons of the product so well. By researching customer reviews of this item, you need to examine numerous customer reviews. The real individuals experience of these items shall guide you determine correctly, rationally without purchasing error and worth for the valuer.