2014 Black Friday Panasonic DMC-G6 Digital Camera White Body Only
Panasonic DMC-G6 Digital Camera White Body Only available for purchase recently, actually find out most recent selling prices comparison and shipping and delivery suitable for help you to get the best selection. Hot Offer Panasonic DMC-G6 Digital Camera White Body Only
Price : $720.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : 22100df488f46e1c3d29bf28e609b7d1
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If you are thinking about to shopping item at a fantastic quality and an acceptable budget plan. We strongly suggested Panasonic DMC-G6 Digital Camera White Body Only is among top-notch and even more popular item item that you are looking for. Also if you research it carefully about product detail, attributes and helpful consumer testimonials, certainly you have to not decline to get it one. You can check the recent price via the link below.
Panasonic DMC-G6 Digital Camera White Body Only Description
The Lumix DMC-G6 Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Digital Camera with Lumix G Vario 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 II Lens from Panasonic is a high performance Micro Four Thirds format mirrorless camera with a 16.05MP Live MOS sensor and the Venus Engine image processor. Together they provide high resolution, low-noise images and Full HD 1080p video with fast autofocus and impressive low-light capability. Display: 3.0 inches 1,036k-dot Tilting Touchscreen LCDResolution: 16MP Live MOS SensorZoom: 14-42mm Zoom Lens (35mm Equiv: 28-84mm) Shutter speed: Type: MechanicalSpeed: 60 - 1/4000 seconds in Manual ModeType: MechanicalSpeed: 120 - 1/4000 seconds in Bulb ModeMemory: SDSDHCSDXCPicture format: JPEG, MPO, RAWVideo format: MP4, MPEG-4 AVCHDInterface: USB 2.0Power: 1x DMW-BLC12E Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Pack, 7.2VDC, 1200mAhColor: WhiteModel: DMC-G6Included items: Panasonic Lumix DMC-G6 Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Digital Camera with 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 II LensLumix G Vario 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 II ASPH./MEGA O.I.S. LensDMW-BLC12 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery (7.2V, 1200mAh) Battery ChargerBody CapFront Lens CapRear Lens CapLens HoodUSB CableShoulder StrapCD-ROMPHOTOfunSTUDIO 9.2 PE SoftwareSILKYPIX Developer Studio 3.1 SE SoftwareLoiLoScope (trial version) SoftwareUSB Driver SoftwareLimited 1-Year WarrantyDimensions: Approx. 2.20 x 1.93 inches Weight: 3.88 oz
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Panasonic DMC-G6 Digital Camera White Body Only
Merchant : Overstock.com |
$720.99 |