2014 Black Friday Deals Panasonic W850 Digital Camcorder - 3" - Touchscreen LCD - BSI MOS - F Review
If you should in comparison product functionalities and price. This Panasonic W850 Digital Camcorder - 3" - Touchscreen LCD - BSI MOS - F is the right option to purchase.
Price : $799.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : 3b03b95a3fc20dee472c8d47208afef7
Rating :

The item attributes are outstanding and fulled of top quality of Panasonic W850 Digital Camcorder - 3" - Touchscreen LCD - BSI MOS - F is the important idea that allows it among the product you shall pick up bought. In addition to, it is too friendly budget to your budgets too. You could discover the full product explanation and look at special advertisings that have actually been improved directly from the shop using click the link below. You could buy the interesting offer and you could not refute it, want you get the amazing deal.

Panasonic W850 Digital Camcorder - 3" - Touchscreen LCD - BSI MOS - F Description
Premium Picture Quality An all-new lens, sensor and engine combine for powerful zooming and high sensitivity. New BSI Sensor The effective area is increased* to achieve the high image quality of 6.03M effective pixels. This gives you bright, beautiful shots even in dark places. Crystal Engine Pro+ The information processing speed has advanced to about 1.5 times the conventional speed. New Noise Reduction has reduced noise for crisp, vibrantly colorful Full-HD images. Manufacturer: Panasonic Manufacturer Part Number: HC-W850K Manufacturer Website Address: http://www.panasonic.com Brand Name: Panasonic Product Model: W850 Product Name: W850: Twin Recording HD Camcorder Product Type: Digital Camcorder Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: LCD Display & Graphics: Touchscreen: Yes Display & Graphics: Image Sensor Size: 1/2.3 Display & Graphics: Image Sensor Type: BSI MOS Display & Graphics: Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Image: Image Formats: JPEG Video: Video Formats: AVCHD Video: Progressive Scan: Yes Video: Interlaced Scan: Yes Video: Video System: NTSC Audio: Audio Formats: AAC Audio: Sound System: Dolby Digital Audio: Audio Channels: Multi-channel Lens: Image Stabilization: Electronic Lens: Focus Modes: Auto Exposure: White Balance Modes: Auto Indoor 1 Indoor 2 Sunny Cloudy White Set Exposure: Minimum Illumination: 0 lux
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