Black Friday Deals 2014 Panasonic ET-D75LE6 Zoom Lens
When you have to in comparison device benefits and value. Panasonic ET-D75LE6 Zoom Lens is a nice decision to decide to purchase.
Price : $6196.38 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant :
Product ID : 77cbc2d26dc94fa141e2a49b13df5c65
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The product attributes are exceptional and fulled of quality of Panasonic ET-D75LE6 Zoom Lens is the weighty reason that gets it among the item you will acquire had. As well as, it is likewise friendly-budget to your pockets as well. You can find the complete product detail and visit exclusive advertisings that have been updated directly from the store via click the hyperlink here. You may search for the exciting deal and you can not deny it, desire you get the wonderful offer.

Panasonic ET-D75LE6 Zoom Lens Description
"Panasonic ET-D75LE6 Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic ET-D75LE6 is a zoom lens designed for use with 3-chip DLP projectors. The zoom lens allows to vary projection distance by adjusting the focal distance and thus compensating miscalculations during installation. The lens has a short throw ratio that fluctuates depending on the aspect ratio of the projector. The lens adds flexibility for rear projection installations and setups that require large images with close proximity to the screen. The zoom feature allows a variety of projector distances while keeping image size consistent. ET-D75LE6 Features: Zoom Lens, Designed for 3-Chip DLP Projectors, Focal Length: 19.63 to 23.54 mm, Varies Projection Distance - By Adjusting the Focal Distance, F 2.5 Aperture, Zoom Ratio: 1.2:1, Throw Ratio: - 0.9 - 1.1:1 For 16:10 Aspect Ratio - 1.0 - 1.2:1 For 4:3 Aspect Ratio - 1.0 - 1.2:1 For 16:9 Aspect Ratio, Quality Optics Maintains High-resolution Imagery, Durable Construction, Works With The Following Models: PT-DZ21K PT-DS20K PT-DW17K PT-DZ12000 PT-D12000 PT-DW100 PT-DZ13K PT-DS12K PT-DW11K PT-DZ10K PT-DZ8700 PT-DZ110X PT-DS8500 PT-DS100X PT-DW8300 PT-DW90X"
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